Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry shops require a picture ID of every pledger and uploads all its data to a central database accessed by law enforcement officials. Due to this process, criminals tend to avoid our shops, and go to places that are not regulated and do not require any ID, such as flea markets and jewelry stores; or they use online apps like Craigslist or OfferUp. Our licensed pawnbrokers undergo training to ask questions to determine if the pledger appears to be the owner of the merchandise. We work hard to maintain a good working relationship with local law enforcement and our licensed pawnbrokers often attend police training sessions. We avoid taking questionable merchandise at all costs – because in the rare cases we do take merchandise that has been stolen WE LOSE! Less than one-quarter of a percent of our loans are ever put on police hold and even a smaller number are actually picked up by the police.
Despite negative stereotypes, buying certain items from a pawn shop is a viable way to save money. All our merchandise is preowned, but each item is inspected and tested by one of our licensed pawnbrokers to ensure that they are in good quality condition. Before we place any item for sale or is accepted into our store, we perform a series of tests and quality checks to ensure that our customers are purchasing items that are in the best possible condition. If you fear the condition of the item that you are interested in, please ask one of our professional staff for assistance. They will be able to relieve any worries that you may have and test the product with you.
One man's junk is another man's treasure. Pawn shops find value in items people simply don't want or need anymore. It's all in the eye of the beholder and eventually, every piece we have in our shop will be sold, because someone at one time or another bought it before. Pawn shops are home to many limited-edition and collectible items that you cannot find in any store. From collectible coins, musical instruments, antiques and more, you can find one-of-a-kind items at a pawn shop. We do not accept “junk” items.
Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry considers multiple factors when determining what an item is worth and thus what the resale value is: age, condition, category, popularity, etc. The resale price of an item is established by using our own proprietary database that analyzes the actual sales prices of thousands of similar items. Our proprietary system takes into consideration the quality and sale-ability of similar items in our shops to establish the selling price of the item. Electronic items often sell for close to retail prices because of the demand for them, whereas tools sell at a discount unless they are specialty tools. Jewelry typically follows the price of gold in value, and luxury goods' value depends on the demand for specific items.
Bearing all this in mind, Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry believes their used items offer great value to their customers and with the addition of their optional warranty, will give even greater value and peace of mind.
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