Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry offers authentication of designer handbags. If you’re worried that your bag may not be the real deal or wanting the proper documentation that it is authentic, we can help! We understand that there are a lot of knockoffs handbags out there and it can be frustrating when you want the real deal but purchase a fake.
For more information on authentication or scheduling an authentication, contact any of our convenient locations.
Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry offers you the best price for your designer handbags & accessories whether you are buying or selling!
We will authenticate your bag and offer you the best price for you to walk out with cash in hand!
What are you waiting for? Sell to us today!
Need a quick loan? Designer handbags are one of the acceptable and valuable items to put towards your loan.
Bring in your handbag to any of our locations to get cash in your hand quick!
All the products sold at Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry are double checked for authenticity before sale, relieving you of any after sale hassles. Our product range also includes various designer accessories such as wallets, belts, coin purses, sunglasses and more!
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